Informieren Südsudan
Flag of South Sudan

South Sudan

South Sudan is the youngest state in the world.

On July 9, 2011, South Sudan gained independence from Sudan to the north. Since then, however, various ethnic groups have been fighting for power. From 2013 to 2018, a civil war raged between the ethnic groups Dinka and Nuer - hundreds of thousands of people died and several million fled to other parts of the country or to neighboring countries. Most of the medical infrastructure was destroyed. In addition to the consequences of the armed conflict, the challenges in the East African country include a very high illiteracy rate as well as droughts and floods. In addition, the drinking water of hundreds of thousands of South Sudanese is polluted by the oil industry. According to the Human Development Report 2021/2022, more than ten million people live in the landlocked country.

Projects in this country


Emergency assistance project in the Horn of Africa

In Kenya, Ethiopia and South Sudan, it has repeatedly failed to rain in recent years, leaving people suffering from acute hunger and water shortages. Climatic changes such as droughts have a direct impact on people's lives - livestock die because they cannot find enough food and water, agriculture...
Pausenzeit ist für die meisten Kinder auf der Welt die beste Zeit – für die Schülerinnen und Schüler in Tombura und Yambio ist sie teilweise lebenswichtig, denn es gibt Essen.

Food for children in Western Equatoria

In order to provide children in the state of Western Equatoria with food and reduce malnutrition, Sign of Hope is implementing a school feeding program at kindergartens and an elementary school with the diocese of Tambura Yambio. This also promotes the children's education.
Vorbereitung auf humanitäre Notlagen

Preparation for humanitarian emergencies

Local non-governmental organisations are the first and last to provide on-site assistance and support reconstruction in the event of a disaster. For this reason, a total of ten local partner organisations in particularly disaster-prone countries are being given specialist training to enable them to...
Schüler Rumbek

Education against poverty and hunger

Poverty and hunger shape the lives of many children in South Sudan. To escape the vicious cycle, they need sustainable help - the first step: a school education. Education creates courage, confidence and self-responsibility and enables people to free themselves from the spiral of misery. In a large...
Mit Ihrer Spende können die Teller der Schulkinder in Maker Kuei jeden Tag gefüllt werden. Die Kinder sagen von Herzen „Danke!“

School meals for 1,750 pupils

The Loreto Sisters run an elementary school in Maker Kuei near Rumbek with currently almost 1,400 students aged five to fourteen and also a boarding school for girls with a secondary school and about 350 students aged fourteen to twenty. The nuns are also involved in basic health care and offer...
Jeden Tag ist der Andrang in der Klinik in Rumbek groß. Mütter, die mit ihren Kindern oft stundenlange Fußmärsche hinter sich haben, warten geduldig.

Hope in Rumbek

Medical care in South Sudan is inadequate in many areas. For the people in Rumbek, the local health facility has therefore been a vital point of contact for many years. Here, the poorest people receive care and competent treatment in case of illness, hunger or pregnancy. Run by Sign of Hope itself...
Jeder der kann, hilft, die Säcke vorzubereiten, die Nahrung wie Mais und Sorghum auszuteilen oder den Kraftlosen zu helfen, ihre Rationen zu transportieren.

Food in the greatest need

Thousands of people are fleeing their home villages because of drought and war. Many families are seeking refuge in the diocese of Rumbek. But hunger prevails here as well - both among the locals and the refugees. We are helping with foodstuffs such as beans, maize and sorghum to tide them over...
Wir unterstützen die versehrten Menschen und ihre Familien, für die es in Zeiten von Konflikten und Hungersnot besonders schwer ist, sich alleine zu versorgen.

Help for lepers, the blind and the disabled

In times of war and crop failures, the weakest in society suffer the most: the sick and the disabled. They are often unable to provide for their families. In cooperation with the parish of St. Josephine-Bakhita, we support 120 disabled people living in Mapuordit and their families with food, seeds...
Verbesserung der Trinkwasserversorgung

Improvement of drinking water supply

In the Unity sub-state, more than 180,000 people suffer from contaminated drinking water; caused by improper petroleum extraction and processing. We are helping the local people by constructing deep wells that reach a clean drinking water aquifer below the contaminated upper aquifer.

Country reports

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